Shorewood is a suburb of Chicago, Illinois, that is located along Lake Michigan. It is located in Will County. As of the 2010 census, it had 7,307 residents. The population has increased by 14.2% in the last five years. With its thriving economy and quality schools, it is a great place to buy a home.
Shorewood has a very low poverty rate. Compared to the United States average, only 3.5% of the people living in Shorewood are poor. This is a major difference when compared to many other cities in the United States.
A good number of general practitioners, urgent care centers and medical centers are available in Shorewood. There are also several parks in the area that are suitable for recreational activities. In addition, there are several schools and colleges nearby. Additionally, there is a local museum. Some of the most popular local spots to visit are the Illinois State Museum, the Statesville Haunted Prison, and the Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture.
The average monthly rent in Shorewood is $1,685. Shorewood real estate is generally a good investment because of the high quality of public schools and the fact that it is a short commute from Chicago. Buying a home in Shorewood can be a great way to start a family and be near the best recreational sites in the state.
Although Shorewood is a very small town, it is growing fast. According to the 2000 census, the city had a total population of 7,686. The area had a median age of 41, with a majority of residents being young adults.
Many young people find their way to the suburbs because of its excellent school districts and its affordability. Most households contain children. About 65% of the population is comprised of families with kids. Over 22% of the housing units in Shorewood are occupied by seniors.
Residents of Shorewood are generally conservative. However, there are also several different social groups in the community. These include Asian, Hispanic, and black people. Nearly all of the demographics in Shorewood are white, with 2.4% being Asian, 5.2% being black, and 0.2% being American Indian.
Home values in Shorewood are based on the US Census. The average house in Shorewood costs $311,400. The median income in the community is $105,938.
As of the last 12 months, Shorewood has experienced an appreciation of 13.7%. The typical family in Shorewood is made up of 3.3 members. Other important factors to consider when buying a home in Shorewood are its proximity to the city, the availability of medical facilities, and the overall cost of living.
The median sales tax in Shorewood is 1.75%. Depending on the specific street address, the sales tax rate will vary. One of the most popular banks in Shorewood is BMO Harris Bank National Association. Several other banks operate in the area, including PeopleFirst Bank, U.S. Bank National Association, and Wells Fargo Bank.
In Shorewood, Illinois, there is a livability score that takes into account crime, education, the cost of living, and overall happiness of its citizens. These factors are calculated by weighting the city variables.
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